06-20-2009, 10:11 PM
I was down at AF the other day and watched a group of fisherman hauling in smallmouth and putting them on a stringer. At one point one of the kids pulled the stringer out of the water entirely and I was stunned to see it was full of smallies! There were two adults and three kids running around but I only saw the adults and one of the kids fishing. They definetly had more than six fish on that stringer. After a few more fish got added I decided to do something. I have never called the fishing police before, I have mixed feelings about it but I could not just stand by and watch this any more. So I dialed the number on the back of my license and gave my report to the kind lady who assured me they would send somebody to check it out. Later I got a call from an officer who reported that they had been unable to get anybody down that way and wanted to know if I had got a license plate number. Of course I had not. So I am sure they got away with exceeding the limit this time. Like I said, I have mixed feelings about "tattling" but this was ridiculous. The fact that they had kids with them who made matters worse (in my mind), I mean what lesson were these kids learning? Don't worry about the rules, they don't apply to you? Incredible.