06-21-2009, 04:45 PM
WOW , that sucks that they couldn't make it in time to at least deter that kind of behavior. Mabey they figured with a 6 fish limit and no way for them to prove that those kiddies didn't each catch 6 fish that they were wasting fuel. So they had more than 30 bass?? are there size restrictions too? Was this on AF or on the river below?
So how did you and your boy do fishing?
I once called from springfield res. cause 2 guys were catching the heck out of the big trout on powerbait. I knew this cause when I walked up on them they both cut there line. shortly after power bait floated up. IDFG ask me why I didn't hide in the bushes with binoculars to verify that they were the ones that put it on their hooks. All you can do is call.
So how did you and your boy do fishing?
I once called from springfield res. cause 2 guys were catching the heck out of the big trout on powerbait. I knew this cause when I walked up on them they both cut there line. shortly after power bait floated up. IDFG ask me why I didn't hide in the bushes with binoculars to verify that they were the ones that put it on their hooks. All you can do is call.