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FishnFool, Nick, Bass, 6/21/09, Sam
Happy's Father's Day everyone! emoParty emoParty <br /><br />My day started greatr - Sam woke me up about 7am and said Dad let's go fishing! WoW! I loved to hear that. About 7:30am we were at the boat and ready to hook up and go - uh oh! Battery dead and the engine won't lift up. emoAngry Well better in the parking lot versus at the ramp! emoSmile So Sam, I guess it's breakfast! Any way was able to eat a good breakfast and relax and go to church. Not all bad! emoSmile <br /><br />After church and lunch AutoZone saved the day with a new battery and off we went about 3pm. Hottest part of the day! emoEvil But when you got to fish - you just got to fish! Started out downriver from the ballfields in a little eddy fishing 15 to 40 feet deep. Fish jumping everywhere. Just not catching. emoScratch I think they were something other than bass. We did catch one there and I lost two but we finally saw some drum and gar rolling and breaking the surface so maybe that was it. <br /><br />Any hoo - went up river to the wing wall about 5pm and caught three immediately on plastic worms texas rigged. That was in the slack water. Sam lost a big one - never got it up - thought he was snagged until the line starting moving. emoBawl Started a drift just on the other side of the fast water throwing spinnerbaits and hooked up another 4. Had to leave at 5:30 but that little stretch saved the day. We were the only ones up there. I bet we could have caught more but dinner plans with guests trumped catching more bass. <br /><br />TVA was pushing a lot of water this evening so I think once the water started moving that made a definite difference. <br />Hope everyone had a good father's day and tight lines!

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FishnFool, Nick, Bass, 6/21/09, Sam - by FishNews - 06-22-2009, 09:00 AM

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