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what hp motor for trolling is best
On our first boat we had the 9.9 short shaft. The 4 cycle allowed it to be plumbed right it the same fuel tank as the main engine. We lived in Idaho at the time and we had soft water fishing year round. The engine started well in January and did a good job. It was tiller steering and not bad till the wind kicked up then driving the boat was a full time job. The next boat had the same set up with the addition of a TR-1 autopilot. Good reliable trolling in any conditions. Some times when it got really rough like out on Willard during a storm the auto pilot just couldn't work fast enough to keep the boat on course. I also had to work over the rail to lower and pull the pull rope on the motor. Not too bad but but the wife could not start it and I had visions of slipping off the swim platform into Bear Lake in December and getting very wet. As an all weather fisherman I felt safety was important so the 9.9 manual tilt/start got replaced with a 9.9 long shaft power tilt electric start. The first thing we found was the long shaft has way more authority in turns. This allowed the TR-1 autopilot to handle way worse conditions. We have had the waves splashing over the front and the rig will hold the line. It cuts down on the side slip in turns from down wind to up wind. Once I learned what the motor wanted for start it fires up usually in less than a couple seconds. Anyway I figure the way to go is if your main engine is 4cycle go with that on the kicker. If it is 2 cycle and can burn the same tank mix consider that. The less screwing with gasoline on a boat the better. Get enough shaft in the water to control the boat well. If you don't have auto pilot get it. If you still don't want it get it on your electric on the front and let it steer the boat. I haven't tried it but I see folks on lakes using the electric to steer while they troll and it looks like it works just fine. Last but not least the kicker has had to bring the boat back because of problems with the main drive. Make sure your satisfied with the speed there. Anyway that is what we have seen with the trolling motor thing on our boat.

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Re: [801SPRTSMN] what hp motor for trolling is best - by reelfast - 07-09-2009, 05:14 PM

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