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Cathooker, Chick, Big blues, 7/15/09, Vicki
Vicki and I set sail from skull Island this morning just as light was peeking over the horizon. We headed down to the Nuke area for some Husband n Wife quality time. A few short minutes after arriving at our fishing spot I boated a scarred up post spawn blue of 23 lbs. The bite was slow but steady. We managed to catch 16 blues with several in the 10 to 15 lb range. It seemed that Vicki could only manage 1 fish to my four and I felt bad for her. EricM came over to visit with us about 11 and as we were talking Vicki sorta grunted out that she had one on. She fought the fish for a moment or two and says I can't reel in any line. The rod just got a deeper bend as she tried to reel down. Thinking she was hung up I took the rod, applied pressure and felt a head shake. I handed it back to her and told her to be patient that she indeed had on a really good fish. She fought it like a pro with Eric close by cheering her on. It turned out to be a 33 lber. She may not have had the numbers but she had the quality. I loved watching her face light up when we boated her fish. This fish was also scarred all over it's back and appeared to be post spawn also....maybe the good uns are showing up again. It was good to see Eric today and we got to watch inthebox catch that big un of theirs. A really great day all the way around. Thank you God.

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Cathooker, Chick, Big blues, 7/15/09, Vicki - by FishNews - 07-16-2009, 09:00 AM

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