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Bprice, Guntersville, Bass, 7/15/09, RKnight
Randy and I busted out of a training class and put in about 5:00 at Seibold. Started out on a point w/ shell bed that tops out at 15 ft and drops off into 20 on both sides of it. Fish were in the jumps all around but we stuck with the carolina rig, and it worked our pretty well. Size was on the smaller side but we boated 31 largemouths in about 95 minutes. 19 were keepers. As soon as you'd pull across the shell bed you'd get drilled. A mix of chigger craws, lizards and 10 in worms were used. I am beginning to swear by tungsten weights as well, they make a huge difference. We moved up river and decided to find some new shell beds. After about an hour we located a nice one next to a cut on the main channel. First cast yielded a 3.5 lber, and that was it. However that area should produce some other time.Water temps were in the mid to upper 80s. All fish came on the crig. Best 5 wouldn't of gone much about 13.5-14. A great afternoon and a beautiful sunset!

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Bprice, Guntersville, Bass, 7/15/09, RKnight - by FishNews - 07-17-2009, 09:00 AM

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