07-28-2009, 11:14 AM
the think I would like to see, is a fish finder that can tell me if I am looking at a single fish or a school of fish.
I havent used an up to date modle, but the last one I used would not or could not tell me.
what it would do is show a small or large fish icon. It leaves me to wonder what I am realy looking at. Granted seeing that there is something supended down there is better than knowing nothing at all...
I wold also like to see something that can tell me if I am hovering over weeds as well, but it has to show up as something different than fish.
Having one with gps is always grand. being able to pin point mark and have tracking ability.
in addition what would be best of all would be to be able to down load infromation from my fish finder on to a USB chip so I can put it on to my computer at home and be able to take it with me and plug in to a buddies boat should we not use mine.
hope this helps,,, good luck... and be sure to let us know when and how your new product comes out....
I havent used an up to date modle, but the last one I used would not or could not tell me.
what it would do is show a small or large fish icon. It leaves me to wonder what I am realy looking at. Granted seeing that there is something supended down there is better than knowing nothing at all...
I wold also like to see something that can tell me if I am hovering over weeds as well, but it has to show up as something different than fish.
Having one with gps is always grand. being able to pin point mark and have tracking ability.
in addition what would be best of all would be to be able to down load infromation from my fish finder on to a USB chip so I can put it on to my computer at home and be able to take it with me and plug in to a buddies boat should we not use mine.
hope this helps,,, good luck... and be sure to let us know when and how your new product comes out....