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FishnFool, River, Bass, 8/6/09, Solo
Just went to my local ramp on the river to do some bank fishing and try out a new lure. Caught a bass on my third cast - real small one - 3/4 pound emoLaugh Caught a few more even smaller emoLaugh emoLaugh There is a lot of bait moving around in the river. The real small bass and I mean really small emoLaugh were popping shad in the air. Every now and then a big splash could be seen in the middle beyond casting distance. Flow was pretty good which created a few eddies. I wish I could get out there tomorrow morning but work is calling emoBawl Hope to see what I can do tomorrow night for a couple of hours. With that much bait around I would imagine everything emoFish be active. Might run down to the bend and see if the current is pushing shad against the rip rap! Hope to see some of you out there! Tight lines! emoUSA

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FishnFool, River, Bass, 8/6/09, Solo - by FishNews - 08-08-2009, 09:00 AM

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