08-13-2009, 09:00 AM
Got out with 2 of my favorite cattin buddies today for some hunting...hunting for BIG CATS!!! We hit several very promising areas today but the fish on the ol fishfinder didnt cooperate for the most part. Then around 2 pm a thunderstorm was brewin in the distance and Bam!!....drc scores a 20 lber....as he is reeling that one in...one of Troy's rods goes down. I really hated this.. emoEvil But he was helping Daniel get the 20 lber in...and that left only little ol me to reel this one in!! emoBig
I really did have to grab it quick since this one was headed South in a BIG hurry!! This Fish was a fighter and was it sure was good to reel in YET another big fish on Troy's rod!! emoBig
emoDoh emoThanks Then he was still nice enough to net the big boy for me!!! Man...what a brother in law huh? emoBig
This fish really looked and felt bigger than he was...49 lbs! I think if he had been eatin good he woulda been 60's easy! But it was good to feel another big un tug on the cord and get out on the water with good freinds! Hopefully we will return there soon to try for the ever elusive 100 lber! Water temp was 83 to 86 and current was almost non exsistant! Both fish were caught on cut skipjack....but we did get one very good run on a live bluegill earlier in the day!