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drumking, chickamauga, Crappie and bass, 8/13/09, Wanda and Daniel
Wanda and I had promised our grandson, Daniel (5), that we would take him out on the boat today and fish for a little while. We waited until he remembered that we promised him and that was around 11:30. Nearing the hottest part of the day. So, we loaded up the boat and hit Tyner Lane ramp and went out for 2 hours before he was ready to come in. <br /><br />In spite of the bright sun, northeast wind and lower humidities than the past few days, we did all right. I took them to a dock that was productive yesterday and we proceeded to catch 5 crappie and 3 bass. Daniel caught 3 spotted bass, and 4 of the crappie. Of course, Papaw set the hook on the fish and handed the rod to him to reel in all by himself. It was fun watching him battle those fish. He was a proud little camper. Wanda caught 1 little bass and 1 crappie. Enjoy the pics. emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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drumking, chickamauga, Crappie and bass, 8/13/09, Wanda and Daniel - by FishNews - 08-14-2009, 09:00 AM

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