06-30-2003, 04:16 AM
Hi there Kzilla02,
Nice to hear from you again. I remember your past posts. Sounds to me like someone is not being very kind to you in the fishing department.
Tubinjoe gave you a lot of good info, abet opinionated, but on the whole on the money. You've got a long way to travel and I wouldn't want to see you get zapped. How about the following suggestions:
1) Fish a 3/4 day boat like the Victory, Pierpoint, or Freedom. (others good too)
2) When you call the landing find out specifically what was biting that day and do they plan on going the same place tomorrow. Sometimes the office knows, but usually not!
3) Shoot for Sand Bass, Calico, and Barrie fishing. Do you have a good med/heavy flippin or jiggin bass rod and 12 to 16lb test w/conventional/baitcasting outfit?
4) Go early and talk with the guys in line to see if you might need to rent a rod if you have no saltwater gear and to get YOUR spot on the corner.
5) Get plenty of terminal tackle at the office. It's cheap!!
6) Get a corner spot on the stern. (you may or may not rotate)
7) Most of all, TELL the deck you're new and may need some help!!! Most of the decks will be more than happy to help if it's not idiot crowded!
8) OH!! DID I MENTION THE MOST IMPORTANT THING? GO EARLY ON A TUE/WED/THUR trip so you'll experience a relatively light load. You'll get more attention from the deck too.
Good luck and awaiting your report.