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fishinvol, CFF tournament, Bass/lack there of, 8-15-09, TR19
Well Tr19 and I had a decent plan of action for the evening......fizzed out within the first hour. :o Hell, I'll be honest it fizzed out when I saw who signed up before blast off LOL !! , That's for another day though. To make a long painful story short, we sucked it up pretty good ! We did weigh in a limit, though it was 2 13" spaaats and a 16" see through largemouth. With a monster weight of 4 something. Anywho , we fished our aces off and never gave up ( even though we already knew the winners would be Wink , and despite the fact the flippin fish had lock jaw aparently. Good to see everybody, thanks for putting it on fellas !

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fishinvol, CFF tournament, Bass/lack there of, 8-15-09, TR19 - by FishNews - 08-18-2009, 09:00 AM

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