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drumking, chickamauga, Crappie and bass, 8-17-09, Procraft
I took a first timer with me this AM for a crappie fishing lesson. The fish didn't want to play very much, but we had a good time and I think that Procraft did learn something. We stopped at our first place and caught about 9 or 10 crappie, then moved to the 2nd place. Nada on the 2nd place, so it was a return to the first stop and caught about 9 more crappie. Then it was on to stops 3,4 and 5 without a fish. Then onto stop #6 and we picked up about 3 more keepers. <br /><br />Then to a couple more docks that didn't produce, so we ran to Wolftever. Schools started so I didn't think that the water chiggers would be too bad today. I was right about that, except one mom who took the morning to ride the doo while the kiddies were in school. She didn't bother us at all. We only caught 1 little crappie in Wolftever and about 4 yellow bass. <br /><br />Out in the river this morning, we did catch a couple of bass too. I landed a small spot without the lure even being in the water. I kid you not. I'm not lying. We had moved close to a dock on our second stop this morning and my bg shad was hanging off the end of my rod about 6" to 1 foot above the water when this little spotted bass decided that he was going to eat that thing even if it was up in the air. This is only the 2nd bass that I have ever caught in my life when the lure wasn't even in the water. This happened to me at Watts Bar back in the 70's when I had a black worm up in the air over a blowdown and the bass just couldn't wait til it got back down into the water. That little spot leaped up and grabbed that bg shad and hooked himself. emoBigSmile What a surprised look that he had on his face when I let him go. emoBigSmile Our total catch was 22 crappie, 1 spotted bass, 1 largemouth bass, 6 yellow bass and 1 bluegill. A very slow morning with a slight east wind becoming SE by the time that we quit fishing.<br /><br />I enjoyed the morning with you, Procraft. Hope that you learned enough to catch some of those slabs down at Gunnersville.<br /><br />Oh, water temp was 83 degrees and some pretty good current, and light winds. Fish caught on 1/16oz jigheads with bg shads with a tail light on them. emoGeezer

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drumking, chickamauga, Crappie and bass, 8-17-09, Procraft - by FishNews - 08-23-2009, 09:00 AM

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