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What's the deal guys?
You're bringing up thoughts that many of us noted years ago. Now, we are reaping the circumstances of those changes.

It also came to my knowledge that many of the moderators that use to moderate many of the active boards were removed as a moderator. No warning, no explaination, notta. Just woke up one morning and were no longer a Mod. Some of the better and more active moderators at that. I can't complain about being removed myself, because I wasn't able to post like I once was. But some of these guys were invalueable to the boards remaining active, and they were removed. Bad call, IMHO. Not saying that there might not be a good reason for it, but i've yet to hear one.

I don't know that I would break the state boards down into regions, as some of the state boards have a dedicated following. That would be disrupted by combining states to form a region. Something that could be done, however, is remove some of the other boards that are not being used. Like the "aquaculture" boards for instance. Are you serious? [sly] Leave the state boards. Leave the primary fishing boards, leave the hunting and shooting boards. Get rid of the additional boards that do nothing but weigh down the site.

More importantly, don't let one or two people do the talking. Step up and say what's on your mind. Prior mods, current users, who ever. I remember when we all use to talk about things and made stuff work. What happened to that?

Messages In This Thread
What's the deal guys? - by Tarpon4me - 08-20-2009, 07:04 PM
Re: [Feydakin] What's the deal guys? - by Tarpon4me - 08-24-2009, 01:47 PM

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