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drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 9/2/09, wanda
Well, I had the boss with me today as I looked for crappie. I noticed that the good movement period was at 12:15 today, so we launched the boat at 11:00 and made a 20 minute run. I saw a boat on my #1 spot so we continued on to my 2nd choice. While at my 2nd spot, I caught a nice chunky spotted bass and about 7 or 8 crappie. When the fish slowed down a little bit, we moved again. Just glancing at the #1 spot as we were in the general area and saw that the other boat had left the place, so we pulled in. On the 2nd cast, I hauled up my 11th TARP Black Crappie of the year. Beautiful 14.25 inch fish, caught on a BG crystal shad with a tail light on a 1/16 oz jighead. The fish was about 10-12 feet deep.<br /><br />The other boat might have been bass fishing or didn't catch any fish there and left. I'm glad that they did. I ended up catching 23 crappie and Wanda caught 1. A little bluegill and a 7 lb 5 oz Bluecat on light line that gave us a fit. After hooking the fish, and realizing that it wasn't a crappie, I handed the rod to Wanda and had her fight the fish to the finish. She didn't want to, but I told her that I had to man the net to get the fish in. She had fun landing this on our ultralights and crappie jigs. With her being along, I had to keep about 10 fish for the dinner table. We released all the rest. emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 9/2/09, wanda - by FishNews - 09-03-2009, 09:00 AM

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