09-05-2009, 03:11 AM
I assume they are just delaying the Hydros until the economy turns around. What are the benefits of the hydros over the helios and any idea on what the price was going to be? When the Helios came out I swore I wasn't going to buy one because I don't really need more rods (even if I just have a closet and not a wharehouse full like you[laugh]). Well they quickly went on sale, most likely because of the economy and I bought a freshwater 906 midflex 4 pc for under $600. Great little salmon rod. Caught all 5 species of salmon with it on Prince of Wales Island a few weeks back. Not really supposed to be fresh water kings there but I managed to land a fresh bright King of about 25 lbs with that rod. Despite being unable to wade down and across the river because of the depth I pulled her back up and across the river a hundred yard with relatively little problem. I just thought I had a 15-20 silver on until I landed it. Not bad for a rod that weighs like 2 ounces.
I assume they are just delaying the Hydros until the economy turns around. What are the benefits of the hydros over the helios and any idea on what the price was going to be? When the Helios came out I swore I wasn't going to buy one because I don't really need more rods (even if I just have a closet and not a wharehouse full like you[laugh]). Well they quickly went on sale, most likely because of the economy and I bought a freshwater 906 midflex 4 pc for under $600. Great little salmon rod. Caught all 5 species of salmon with it on Prince of Wales Island a few weeks back. Not really supposed to be fresh water kings there but I managed to land a fresh bright King of about 25 lbs with that rod. Despite being unable to wade down and across the river because of the depth I pulled her back up and across the river a hundred yard with relatively little problem. I just thought I had a 15-20 silver on until I landed it. Not bad for a rod that weighs like 2 ounces.