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2 tournaments left
If i were you i take your grandson fishing with you. If can catch a couple of nice ones like the one in the picture you are in business.

Im going to erie this weekend ad it looks like we are gonna get the overcast we need Smile The rain sux but ill take it. Right now they are calling for 18mph south winds for saturday up there, so we should be good to go. If those winds turn northeast im staying on shore. That lake can get crazy in the blink of an eye when the winds are blowing that way. I will start a new post with some pics and maybe even a video if i get any fish.

Good luck this weekend jeff, hopefully you wont need it, but if your luck runs like mine you will Smile

Messages In This Thread
2 tournaments left - by JeffGorecki - 09-22-2009, 09:38 PM
Re: [JeffGorecki] 2 tournaments left - by bigpikeguy - 09-23-2009, 04:58 PM

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