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drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 9/28/09, Mrs Drumking (Wanda)
Wanda and I got out for just a few minutes this morning to check lake conditions and to see if any crappie could be caught with all the high water. Dock shooting is out of the question today as the water level is about 1" below most docks. We did find one of my favorite places that I could fish and we caught 6 crappie there in about 30 minutes of fishing. Then on to check another place to see if any crappie were there. We saw Gator and his friend and nephew. We chatted for a couple of minutes and went to another place to check on bass. The bass weren't doing anything in the area that we checked so we called it a morning. We have a lot of honey-dos this afternoon, so..... Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go..... emoBigSmile emoGeezer <br /><br />I forgot to take the water temp, but the flowrate is over 72,000 cfs. According to the TVA report, they will be flowing 72,000 for the next 3 days. We did notice a lot of floating logs out there today, so if you are going fishing, please use caution. Wind out of the south and it was blowing pretty good so riding the rollers back to the ramp was an adventure. emoBigSmile

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drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 9/28/09, Mrs Drumking (Wanda) - by FishNews - 09-30-2009, 09:00 AM

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