10-19-2009, 07:48 PM
I like both.
I started out as a teenager in a tire tube with a plywood seat that I made myself and tied on with ropes. (A Loooooong time ago -- there were no commercial tubes available then) Most anything is more comfortable than that was! I wouldn't like going back to a round tube either, but the newer tubes float you higher and are easy to move in the water. What I like about a tube is that it is light and is easy for me to throw it in the trunk of my car and go. It is also nice if I have to carry it a ways to launch it. I really like it for smaller waters.
For larger waters that have an easy launching point I like my toon. I enjoy using the oars to get me to the area I want to cover. I am currently thinking about putting a small electric motor on my toon also. As far as maneuverability I like them both. I use fins with both. In the wind I like the toon because of the oar option. The extra space is nice too.
All in all --- my absolute favorite is: (drum roll please!) fishing small streams and high mountain lakes without either a tube or a toon.
I started out as a teenager in a tire tube with a plywood seat that I made myself and tied on with ropes. (A Loooooong time ago -- there were no commercial tubes available then) Most anything is more comfortable than that was! I wouldn't like going back to a round tube either, but the newer tubes float you higher and are easy to move in the water. What I like about a tube is that it is light and is easy for me to throw it in the trunk of my car and go. It is also nice if I have to carry it a ways to launch it. I really like it for smaller waters.
For larger waters that have an easy launching point I like my toon. I enjoy using the oars to get me to the area I want to cover. I am currently thinking about putting a small electric motor on my toon also. As far as maneuverability I like them both. I use fins with both. In the wind I like the toon because of the oar option. The extra space is nice too.
All in all --- my absolute favorite is: (drum roll please!) fishing small streams and high mountain lakes without either a tube or a toon.