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winter fishing
Once you get in to ice fishing you will wish you had a longer season... I mean Ice Fishing Is Totaly Rad, It Rocks, There are so many ways to fish on the ice it is unreal, half the fun is inventing your own ice fishing gear.

Ya never know when you will make your next million dollars, and it just might be from one of those inventions...

Here is a lead for ya.. good luck and keep us in the know on how the fishing is going there.. even if it sucks, Sucky fishing is better than no fishing [:p]

Rhode Island generally has a short -- but very active -- ice-fishing season because ocean breezes moderate winter temperatures. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management's Division of Fish and Wildlife stocks trout in the autumn season for winter angling. The state also has an active northern pike program for added ice-fishing thrills.

Tucker Pond
Ice-anglers will find a well-rounded fishery on Tucker Pond in South Kingston. The DFW stocks the pond with trout in spring, and there are always a few holdovers for winter. Yellow and white perch are plentiful and should keep jig fishermen entertained.

Anglers can also expect to catch chain pickerel and largemouth bass on their tip-ups.

Most Rhode Island ponds are manmade reservoirs and usually shallow. But Tucker Pond is a natural lake covering about 101 acres. It is also rather deep, with a basin of 32 feet and an average depth of about 11 feet. The southern shoreline has a distinct break line that attracts white perch, trout and largemouth bass. Pickerel and yellow perch dwell in the northern end, which is shallow and flat. Weeds thrive in the northern end, in spite of the ice and cold.

Access to Tucker Pond is provided through a state-owned boat-launching ramp on the northern end of the pond. Snowplows often clear the ramp's parking lot for ice-anglers.

To get there from the north or west, take Route 1 into Perryville. Turn northward onto Route 110. After about four miles, turn right on Tuckertown Road toward the pond access.

Georgiaville Pond
Ice-anglers should find good action on Georgiaville Pond in Smithfield. This 92-acre lake offers great bass and perch fishing. Some pickerel are available to keep your tip-ups jumping.

Georgiaville Pond has a maximum depth of 25 feet with an average depth of 13 feet. During winter, the pond thermally stratifies.

Below 10 feet deep, oxygen levels are often too low to support fish, so concentrate your fishing efforts in shallower water.

The pond can be approached as three distinct areas. Anglers who prefer to fish in deep water should work the southern end of the pond where the shoreline is steep and shoals surround the pond's small islands.

The central portion also has steep drop-offs, but several long, tapered points can be strong producers.

The northern section is shallow and weedy, great for panfish and bass.

Georgiaville Pond has more access for ice-anglers than for open-water anglers. The best access point lies near the Smithfield town beach.

Take Exit 8 off Interstate Route 295 north of Providence. Travel south on Route 7 for about two miles. After about two miles, turn right onto Whipple Road, and then turn right on Fernwood Avenue. Take the first right on Cross Street and then left on Stillwater Road to the beach.

For Rhode Island fishing and licensing information, call the Division of Fish and Wildlife at (401) 222-3576.

For tourist information, call 1-800-556-2484

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winter fishing - by fishfinder401 - 10-28-2009, 11:11 PM
Re: [fishfinder401] winter fishing - by davetclown - 10-29-2009, 11:16 AM

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