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Panguitch Lake
Well I finally made it to Panguitch for my fall trip before it ices over. I invited some friends to go, but being a weekday, they all baled out on me. I had the day off and didn't want to take a chance of not be able to go this year so I made the trip by myself. The weather was perfect for this time of year. There was some snow around from a recent snow storm, but the sun was out and no @#$% at all. Big Grin
[Image: 100_2946.jpg]
I had pleaded with some forum members for some intel on this lake and I would like to thank everyone that imparted with their tips and advice. I was able to motor right over to the good fishin and get hooked up right away with this nice little bow.
[Image: 100_2948.jpg]
I have a two pole permit so I was running two poles and driving at the same time. I was using a Rapala CD7 brown trout on one pole and expeirmenting on the other pole with different jerk baits such as rainbow color, brook color, glass/ghost and even some jakes spinners. I was catching 3 to 1 fish on the brown trout minnow.
Me second hit was the day's biggest. It wasn't very long(about 19") but really fat. It put up a great fight all the way to the boat.
[Image: 100_2949.jpg]
I hurried and measured it, took a picture and threw it back in.
After that it was pretty fast fishing for awhile, but I couldn't get anything with much size.
[Image: 100_2958.jpg]
[Image: 100_2960.jpg]
[Image: 100_2962.jpg]
Finally a bigger Rainbow that got my heart racing!
[Image: 100_2952.jpg]
I didn't measure as it was about the same size as the other bigger Rainbow. You can see how fat these fish are.
I decided to try my homemade downrigger to see if it would work because I could see some bigger blips on the radar down deeper. I threw the downrigger in with my lucky brown trout minnow and after about 5 minutes it got snagged on something on the bottom and I had to brake it off. Of course that was my only brown trout lure :evil:
As I was fishing I could see a puff of smoke to the East that turned into a full on wildfire. I think it was probably a control burn, but it really got going.
[Image: 100_2963.jpg]
The moon came up right into the haze of the fire so I snapped this photo. I wanted to take more, but my camera batteries ran out Sad
[Image: 100_2964.jpg]
Anyway a great trip even if it was by myself. Next time I will give everyone around the Southern part of the state more heads up next time. I would love somebody to help reel all of the fish in :lol:

Messages In This Thread
Panguitch Lake - by troutgass - 11-03-2009, 05:15 AM
Re: [troutgass] Panguitch Lake - by Jacksonman - 11-03-2009, 05:25 AM

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