11-09-2009, 02:59 PM
[#000050]Rusty: This is what I was taught long time ago! Right handed casters use the left hand to cast and crank the handle on the retrieve. As for the Left handed person including myself, I cast with the Right arm and crank with the left! I'm right handed in hammering and signature and drawing. I found that it is easier for me to cast and retrieve using my right hand. I don't have lot of strength in the left for pulling and lifting the bass or fish from Lillie's or grass. Jut think that after you cast with the right arm you start feeling the line and reeling in with the left hand, with no switching. Every one I heard that the most miss hits are when the lure hits the water and going down! So I believe that I feel the line from cast to the water and going down! This is only my opinion, everybody has a different way![/#000050]