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Ohio Free Fishing License Over 70
The way it reads to me is - yes he will still have to pay for his license.

[url ""][#63626b][/#63626b][/url]

MARCH 1, 2009 TO FEBRUARY 28, 2010

[#000000]Resident Senior Fishing License[/#000000]

[#000000]For persons age 66 and older born on or after January 1, 1938 who have resided in Ohio for the past 6 months.[/#000000]

[left]Free Licenses
Qualified residents born on or before December 31, 1937 can obtain a free license at any license outlet or online.

The following Ohio residents are also eligible for a free license, available by calling 1-800-WILDLIFE:

[ul][li]Persons who are mobility imparied and require the assistance of another person to cast and retrieve[/li][li]Residents of state and county institutions [/li][li]Holders of “Veteran” license plates displaying the international wheelchair symbol [/li][li]Certain veterans who are permanently disabled [/li][li]Former prisoners of war [/li][/ul]

as to what significance this date has to do with anything one can only guess. Mine would be that it had something to do with the end of the great depression...

but to get the real answer you will want to contact your local congressman...

I would be curious to know the reasoning for a none fluxuating date as well,, and of corse it could be a typo that has been over looked for a number of years or that no one has ever questioned it...


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Re: [OhioFisherMan70] Ohio Free Fishing License Over 70 - by davetclown - 11-10-2009, 02:17 AM

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