11-18-2009, 04:09 AM
Re"Isn't it against the rules to challenge users posts???" Don't ban me Kent.[
Re"I think that more predators would take care of the carp. It would take a LOT of them but yes, I believe they would. Besides the walleys I dont believe there are major predators."
First off, it is pretty much only a hypothetical exercise to talk about new fish introductions at UL because of the June suckers and the Endangered Species Act. And the Junies are actually not going to die out anytime soon. While the spawning runs haven't been reestablished yet, artificial stocking has improved the numbers some in UL. So they aren't going anywhere. Besides, as this video shows, we are having some success in recovery efforts of the lake.
Walleyes are predaceous enough, but channel catfish and white bass are very voracious as well. In fact, the JSRIP biologists are currently more worried about white bass competition and predation in regards to June sucker recovery than they are about the eyes. At a couple of Utah Lake Fish Forum meetings, information on the food web analysis of UL was presented. It showed that while several species will eat the little carp fry to a point, they grow quicly and basically exit the food web after a short time, thus locking up a lot of the lake biomass from the interactive food web the other fish contribute to. Only the biggest channel cats tend to eat very many mature carp. This is another reason they are so bad for the lake.
I assume that you mean Northern pike and/or tiger muskies when you say "more major predators". Northerns have been tried in UL several times in the past and have failed. They never "took". Also, I think you may be overestimating their abilities to eliminate carp. The numerous Northerns in Yuba have wonderfully controlled the carp in Yuba haven't they. (not)
When the DWR holds the next ULFF meeting, you should try to attend. I think you and others would enjoy what is presented.

Re"I think that more predators would take care of the carp. It would take a LOT of them but yes, I believe they would. Besides the walleys I dont believe there are major predators."
First off, it is pretty much only a hypothetical exercise to talk about new fish introductions at UL because of the June suckers and the Endangered Species Act. And the Junies are actually not going to die out anytime soon. While the spawning runs haven't been reestablished yet, artificial stocking has improved the numbers some in UL. So they aren't going anywhere. Besides, as this video shows, we are having some success in recovery efforts of the lake.
Walleyes are predaceous enough, but channel catfish and white bass are very voracious as well. In fact, the JSRIP biologists are currently more worried about white bass competition and predation in regards to June sucker recovery than they are about the eyes. At a couple of Utah Lake Fish Forum meetings, information on the food web analysis of UL was presented. It showed that while several species will eat the little carp fry to a point, they grow quicly and basically exit the food web after a short time, thus locking up a lot of the lake biomass from the interactive food web the other fish contribute to. Only the biggest channel cats tend to eat very many mature carp. This is another reason they are so bad for the lake.
I assume that you mean Northern pike and/or tiger muskies when you say "more major predators". Northerns have been tried in UL several times in the past and have failed. They never "took". Also, I think you may be overestimating their abilities to eliminate carp. The numerous Northerns in Yuba have wonderfully controlled the carp in Yuba haven't they. (not)
When the DWR holds the next ULFF meeting, you should try to attend. I think you and others would enjoy what is presented.