11-21-2009, 09:29 PM
That would be great if I had a 4 wheeler. Ialways wanted a flip shelter but have no way to pull it, and they are heavy. I wish they would let snowmobiles on Ririe but restrict them to something like10 -15mph and then only from the parking lot to the fishing area. Yes they are noiser than 4 wheelers but animals will adapt if they are kept on the road and lake and used only it is daylight, They have in Yellowstone. If I had a 4 wheeler I would use it before a snowmobile on Ririe. Then again I would not take a 4 wheeler on Island Park Res most of the time due to rising water.
I decided on the command post size and ordered it,well it is on backorder. I couldn't pass up 4 more feet of shelter for $30 vs the 6'x8' one. more versatile for overnighters and summer use.
I decided on the command post size and ordered it,well it is on backorder. I couldn't pass up 4 more feet of shelter for $30 vs the 6'x8' one. more versatile for overnighters and summer use.