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drumking, chickamauga, Crappie and bass, 11/23/09, alone
I only had about 3 hours of fishing time this morning, and I wanted to do some scouting in a few places to see if the fish were either there or still there. They were. I was refining my deep structure technique as well as fishing a new place. I used 1/16 oz jigs with bg shads in pearl/chartreuse to catch the fish. Total crappie was 12 including my 20th TARP of the year. It was a 14.25 inch beauty. 2 drum, 1 largemouth bass, 1 spotted bass, and 2 yellow bass. The two drum were 5 lb 5 ozs and 3 lb 13 ozs each. One keeper spotted bass and the largemouth was only about 1 pound or so. I almost forgot about the one bluegill that I caught.<br /><br />I kept 9 crappie that were 11", the spotted bass, and released 3 fish that were 10.5 inches long. That's about it for the day. Water flow was over 70,000 cfs and the water temp was 58 degrees. The fish were deep except one lone crappie that was about 4 feet deep over deep water. emoScratch emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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drumking, chickamauga, Crappie and bass, 11/23/09, alone - by FishNews - 11-27-2009, 10:00 AM

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