11-29-2009, 02:47 AM
By normal standards, that is a pretty impressive report. It is amazing at how high the bar is set at Henry's that we are almost embarrassed when we report 19" trout. I remember when my goal was to break the 14" barrier.
Since the season is winding down, I want to first point out the obvious based on my observations and the other posts. One could do well fishing Henry's at night.
Also, I want to discuss ice safety briefly. This may be the only chance to fish Henry's on safe ice for quite some time. I ventured out about 2/3 mile from the county boat dock in an easterly direction Friday. There was one obvious scary spot where I deployed all of my (SEAT) - Special Equipment and Tactics. A fracture had produced slush on top of the ice, so with Picks-of- Life in hand, I used my sled (that can double as a boat in a pinch) to surface slide into the middle and chip with my axe for assessment. It was solid ice underneath for several inches so only a false alarm. I was headed to the middle but was stopped by what appeared to be suspicious stuff in the snow at the 2/3 mile point. In retrospect, I was probably overly cautious. A group eventually went further out from a different angle. The point is that due to the manner of ice formation - no snow insulating it while it was very cold for several days - Henry's seems to have grown very thick ice (5-7") during the legal season. From past reports, this year is a freak.
Get them while you can. There are trophies in there....
By normal standards, that is a pretty impressive report. It is amazing at how high the bar is set at Henry's that we are almost embarrassed when we report 19" trout. I remember when my goal was to break the 14" barrier.
Since the season is winding down, I want to first point out the obvious based on my observations and the other posts. One could do well fishing Henry's at night.
Also, I want to discuss ice safety briefly. This may be the only chance to fish Henry's on safe ice for quite some time. I ventured out about 2/3 mile from the county boat dock in an easterly direction Friday. There was one obvious scary spot where I deployed all of my (SEAT) - Special Equipment and Tactics. A fracture had produced slush on top of the ice, so with Picks-of- Life in hand, I used my sled (that can double as a boat in a pinch) to surface slide into the middle and chip with my axe for assessment. It was solid ice underneath for several inches so only a false alarm. I was headed to the middle but was stopped by what appeared to be suspicious stuff in the snow at the 2/3 mile point. In retrospect, I was probably overly cautious. A group eventually went further out from a different angle. The point is that due to the manner of ice formation - no snow insulating it while it was very cold for several days - Henry's seems to have grown very thick ice (5-7") during the legal season. From past reports, this year is a freak.
Get them while you can. There are trophies in there....