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dragfish, Chick tailwaters, brown or green, 12-12, JDK
Josh is one determined man! We fished from the lock construction to well past the golf course from daylight till about 2 pm. Not one fish to show( he keeps his fish to himself)<br /> We were told to get out of the lock area by one of the overpaid construction guys ( anybody know the law on that? It's not posted)<br /> So, after my Depends got full I had Josh drop me back at my truck and then he decides to go on and wack a few! emoBigSmile <br /> The water was high enough that they closed the Riverpark ramp, so we ran over to Rivermont to put in. At the Riverpark the water was high enough that all that was showing was the top of the handrails on the piers. And flowing fast enough that 24 high on the troller wouldn't come close to holding you in place.<br /> But the weather was nice and there wasn't any crowd! emoThumbsup

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dragfish, Chick tailwaters, brown or green, 12-12, JDK - by FishNews - 12-16-2009, 10:00 AM

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