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Fishlake 1/1-1/2-10
well you did a lot better then we did on sunday.. i had the worst day i have ever had at fish lake yesterday.. we got there about 8:30 allready lot's out on the ice.. got to the area to fish lot of splake up high to start with. caught some right off then it just went dead.. the rest of the day was a wash out.. lot of fish chaceing the jig's but not takeing it.. packed it up at 4:00 and headed home.. [:/]

Messages In This Thread
Fishlake 1/1-1/2-10 - by utfishguy31 - 01-03-2010, 03:47 PM
Re: [Jacksonman] Fishlake 1/1-1/2-10 - by Potsy - 01-03-2010, 09:56 PM
Re: [utfishguy31] Fishlake 1/1-1/2-10 - by 5wtrod - 01-04-2010, 01:21 AM
Re: [utfishguy31] Fishlake 1/1-1/2-10 - by fuzzyfisher - 01-04-2010, 03:29 PM

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