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50 fish day, 60 fish day, 20 fish day....(Fish Lake)
Kind of a funny topic and unfortunately for me, is a topic that I consider each and every time I go out. I'm so obsessive compulsive and feel the need to count each fish and species, and record them into my log each trip. I have logs that go back to 2004 when I started fishing and can tell you exactly how many fish caught of each species for every outing I went on.
I'm usually pretty good at keeping track, but in those instances where I have multiple species and fish counts over 20 or so, I do start writing them down. Not each fish perhaps, but once I write the count down I will start over in my mind again till I start getting Confused, then write that down. Occassionally I will lose track and will just write down or mentally note the last solid number I remember. I did that at Scofield this year once. I'm pretty sure I caught well over 50 fish, but I lost track twice and settled on a "20 count" each time. So I logged 40 fish for that trip. If in doubt, I never over estimate, if anything I under estimate.
I also keep track of my biggest fish of each species, lakes visited, weather conditions, moon phase, temperature, and of course what was working that day or not. I always have a pen and paper with me and I resort to writing the counts down very often.
I'm pretty sure it's a curse that I have. I would love to just go fishing one day and not write the trip down in my log...but I can't.
Kent has a couple of those clickers and they do come in handy when you catch 100+ Bluegills each at Pelican Lake!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.

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Re: [PBH] 50 fish day, 60 fish day, 20 fish day....(Fish Lake) - by N.E.T.O. - 01-04-2010, 05:38 PM

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