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50 fish day, 60 fish day, 20 fish day....(Fish Lake)
I do have to admit more than mild amusement when I read posts that pronounce "100 fish days" in the headlines, then you read the text and the 100 fish were caught between 12 anglers. [crazy] I suppose it is all good though.

Getting back to Fish Lake, you mentioned a cutthroat. I caught a cutt on my trip there on Jan 1st. 1st time I have done that at FL. ( I have caught browns there before but never a cutt) How common are they there? Was it just one that got randomly stocked by accident?

As for how many I caught (by myself) Not sure, about/approximately/rounded up or down/estimated to be between 85 and 93, give or take a couple. Not that it was a great achievement, about 45-47 were perch.[Wink] And my 3 friends did about as well as I so it was a .......... fish day.

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Re: [PBH] 50 fish day, 60 fish day, 20 fish day....(Fish Lake) - by doggonefishin - 01-04-2010, 08:43 PM

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