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Need info. on High Uintahs - Artic Grayling & Brookies
Hi Leaky
I go on a week long hike every two years through the High Uintas. We go fifty miles so the scouts can earn the 50 miler merit badge. Ever time we have gone to the same area. I have hiked to many of the lakes but have only found one that has grayling. The lake was an eight mile hike along the High line trail, starting a mile or so from Mirror lake. It was called Carolyn lake. We caught around 15 grayling's each. They were not very big, but they sure are a pretty fish. The biggest were around 10 inches. I caught them on a mosquito pattern fly. One trip we went to Four lakes basin. The fishing was slow and there were to many people. So I would recommend that you try some other lakes in that same area. There are so many. On all of our trips we started at Mirror lake and finished at Moon lake. We caught some very nice brookies also. The biggest were around 16 inches. The best fly patterns to use were mosquito, adams, renegade, and irresistible. Jakes lures also worked well on some of the deeper lakes. If you p.m. me I can tell you some of the lakes that I liked the most. We have always gone around the end of August, and had a great time. I hope you do to. Wiper24

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Re: [leaky] Need info. on High Uintahs - Artic Grayling & Brookies - by Wiper24 - 07-18-2003, 03:56 AM

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