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south east michigan report
6 inches ice on pontiac lake.

Somebody put the wow in slow today,

well that is for the pan fish,

Mighty moose was bussy today pulling up pike left and right on pontiac lake.

I caught a total of 4 24-26 inchers with mighty moose and one 23 incher on my crappy rod with 4 pound test line using a number #12 circle hook. Yes it did take me a half hour to land him, and yes I had an audiance of eight,

sorry no pictures today I forgot to take my camera and I put them all back so I dont have a harvest pic. I left them all there for the next guy who wants to get in on the fun.

between 8 of us, I saw only one crappie and two respectible gills. no perch and no rock bass.

I did catch about a dozen or so gills but none of them keepers.

one of the guys got his elbo wet sticking his hand down the hole to grab his runaway rod. he caught it but at a cost, wet arm and lost jig.

rumor has it that there are eyes getting caught near the bridge in saginaw. I havent been there so I can not testify as to the quality of ice..

Messages In This Thread
south east michigan report - by davetclown - 12-30-2009, 10:14 PM
Re: [davetclown] south east michigan report - by davetclown - 01-16-2010, 04:30 AM

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