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out board carb overhaul
i just received a 20 foot deck boat project it needs a little tlc, carpet,seat covers, all the same things that a boat needs after sitting a couple of years,
the gent i got this boat from said he thinks the carb may need rebuilding since it set so long it hasent been run in a couple of years the motor turns over well but i did not attempt to start it its 140 hp suzuki motor anyone realy good on out board motors,
i could not pass this project up the price was really good
so i might as well restore it and have some fun with it

also i need to do some seat covers anyone know where to get good materials.

any help would be welcomed...

its a deck boat pro 190 20'

Messages In This Thread
out board carb overhaul - by tlarson - 01-16-2010, 09:33 AM
Re: [tlarson] out board carb overhaul - by Troll - 01-16-2010, 01:41 PM

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