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cabelas shopping spree!!
I am a newbie to fly fishing this past year and my wife and I have been successfull with cheap fly rod combos...
The biggest difference for our success has been fly fishing still water and using a sinking line(scientific angler wf 6wt sinking line II)...we use wooly buggers, prince nymphys, and scuds...cast out as far as you can and vary retrieve methods....
Now that we are hooked we are looking to upgrade our rods and reels and some good floating line to approach the dry flies again.

the first few weeks were frustrstrating for me because dry fly presentation should probably be learned from an experienced fly angler/classes. I was just getting skunked mostly and frustrated with whipping flies off my line.....

If I had to do it all over again, I would get fly casting classes too....dnt give up and when you have a fish on for the first time it is so much better then using bait in my opinion...

lot of wonderful people here to help you for sure...just keep asking questions...

have fun!

Messages In This Thread
cabelas shopping spree!! - by bigbabyfish - 01-25-2010, 06:15 AM
Re: [bigbabyfish] cabelas shopping spree!! - by MatchT - 01-26-2010, 04:04 AM

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