07-20-2003, 03:44 AM
Hey there guys,
Southern California Saltwater
Report for July 19, 2003 (Saturday)
There's squid in selected local receivers!
White Sea Bass fishing just exploded Up North yesterday!
Albacore on the chew! If you have to swim, I'd go if I were an albie angler.
San Bass Bonanza continues and SMB may start to see the sandies pretty soon with counts getting better.
Way Up North- Avila
Slowed today. Chirs's boats always seem to go out.
Up North- Channel Islands
Good WSB and bass and rockfishing. I wanna ride the Island Tak someday.
LA Area- Catalina Island
Good bites on the WSB and Calicos but ya gotta move around a lot in search of quality.
Further South- San Clemente
Freedom did well on the WSB and the Calicos. Lots of good Calico fishing there with YT showing but not biting. (What else is new?!)
San Diego- Local
Everybody in that town is albacore nuts so just go! On the local scene the bass counts range from 5 fish per rod to limits.
LA Local
With all due respect, take a weekday off if you can guys! I wouldn't fight the crowds for fish. Lots of the boats are crazy loaded 70 to 90 people today on a 65 foot or less boat can't be a decent laid-back fishing experience. 400 angers (no kidding) charging a landing must be a real scary sight for anybody. Except the owner of course! ha ha ha
One boat I know... I'll bet the only reason they got only half limits is because the boat was over, over loaded over there.
Oh ya, heard from the Blue Horizon and 13 guys bagged over 35 albies yesterday! Cool! I remember fishing that boat before it went to SD for the summer.