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south east michigan report
Ice conditions have become deplorable in the last few days.

cooler temps are due for the rest of the week, so by weekend I expect conditions to be about the same pre thaw of last week. We still need more deep freeze temps to make ice some what stable for atv's and snow mobiles.

I did see a few die hards treding lightly on the ice in a few places. I dont tred lligt in my birthday suit so I am staying off completely untill we get more stable ice.

I checked my minnow bucket today, and most all my minners were floating on the bottom of the bucket, so I pulled them out and packed them in kosier salt and placed them in the freezer to freeze dry.

Messages In This Thread
south east michigan report - by davetclown - 12-30-2009, 10:13 PM
Re: [davetclown] south east michigan report - by davetclown - 01-28-2010, 12:07 AM

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