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Saltwater Travel Rod-Cast or spin
Hi,<br><br>I need some advice on buying a travel rod to fill out my growing collection of rods and reels.<br><br>I'm mostly a saltwater spin and surf fisherman, have Shimano Baitrunners, 4500 and 6500 with 10'6" Loomis rods, as well as an Alvey/Snyder 14' 6" surf rig.<br><br>I travel regularly, but shipping rods even in a bazooka case is a pain, always special handling, (which meant on my last trip to Ireland a crushed and damaged supposedly unbreakable rod case-don't ask how)<br><br>I've done some review searches and turned up references to St Croix Tidemaster Travel offering the TS70 series.<br><br>I thought I'd match it with one of my Shimano baitrunners, but I'm considering venturing into a casting combo.<br><br>So this is two questions, first what is a good travel rod in the $100-200 range that I can carry as hand luggage, and which casts best with accuracy, a spin or a casting reel, and if so which make and model.<br><br>Tight lines.<br><br>Tom<br><br><br>Work is the space between fishing.

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Saltwater Travel Rod-Cast or spin - by scottie - 10-06-2001, 04:55 PM

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