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mallardecho, Tims Ford, Smalljaws, 1-29-10, Fish4the peck
Was up and watching the radar and weather reports this morning at 4 am. Left the house around 5:45, talked with Peck who was just leaving as well. Put in at the state park met up with Terry and off we went in to the unknown. The wind was pretty brisk out of the northeast at about 10 mph and the water temp was 42-43. We tried the FnF for a little while without any luck. We decided to keep them honest and see if they would hit a jig. They would, fish were shallow today about 12 fow. We caught 4 keepers in about 1 1/2 hours. After a phone call or two with Bent Rod and others about the approaching Winter weather we decided to put it on the trailer around 10:30. Good decision as the roads were getting covered by the time I made it home, Peck had considerably more trouble getting home than me taking the better part of 2 hours to make it up the mountain. A short but very productive trip with a good friend what more could you ask for.......The boat was nice and salty after arriving home.

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mallardecho, Tims Ford, Smalljaws, 1-29-10, Fish4the peck - by FishNews - 02-06-2010, 10:00 AM

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