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Niagara Springs /Crystal Springs
My family took my Mom out for her 65th birthday. 2/7 Fished our way to Jackpot, spent the night and fished our way home. Caught several planter trout at Bell Rapids to start off. Stopped at the dam at Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir but the ice was no good and the only open water was already taken. 2/8 Checked Greys Harbor the next morning but ice was iffy and no open water that you could get to. So we ended up at Niagara Springs some hours later. Avery caught a few fish at the hatchery and then we headed upstream. We decided to fish in the river at the discharge of Crystal Springs. I think thats where we were anyway, it was our first time there. Anyway I caught a nice Carp that went about 10-12 lbs that was a hoot to real in. Then my wife gets a Sucker that went almost 5 lbs. I was happy to get some bait and I always wanted to try smoking a Carp. So we are getting ready to go and my Mom starts reeling in. I can see this massive trout following her marshmallow in and tell her to stop. A second later he grabs her plain white mallow and the fight was on. After her falling down several times and me getting my leg wet we managed to get it in the net somehow. It made my Moms birthday and she giggled all the way home. It's in the smoker with my Carp right now!

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Niagara Springs /Crystal Springs - by AverysAdventure - 02-09-2010, 08:43 PM

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