02-09-2010, 11:15 PM
My wife is taking me on a fishing trip for Valentines day down to Fish Lake (Sunday through Tuesday) and i'm pretty excited for it. She even told me she went on here (BFG) and asked for everyones help of where to go, and Fish Lake is where everyone says its at (Thanks to anyone and everyone who helped her out by the way, she was really struggling on where to go). I've never been there so if anyone has hints or tips they'd like to share that would be really appreciated. If you don't want to tell everyone and just want to PM me thats fine as well. I just want her to have a good time as well because this is her first time out on the ice. (thats her main present is she's coming with me because I'm always trying to get her to come every time i go out). I'll have a great time regardless but i want her to enjoy it was well. Anything will be helpful I'm Sure!
Thanks a Million
Thanks a Million