02-19-2010, 05:00 AM
I think it depends on the time of year with the musky. I caught some on a spinning rod in the summer time that gave up fairly quickly. I went back in October, and they were nuts. They'd leap 3 feet out of the water when you set the hook, and if that didn't throw the hook they'd peel off a ton of line several times before coming in. I think part of it was that they were in shallow, so they couldn't dive straight down like they like to do, so they go airborne. I hear that they can get exhausted fairly easily, so I'm just extra cautious about hurting them. I'll be glad to have it slinging those big flies for sure. That baby bass popper is a 2/0 and made of hard foam. It's pretty weighty.
Rockport has been good to me in the past. I remember one summer evening fishing leech patterns off the dam I caught over 100 smallmouth and perch. I was using a two fly rig and many times I caught two at once. Those perch are little pigs, they definitely eat their own, though I guess bass, musky and even trout will do it too. I still remember fishing Hobble Creek, (which is certainly not know for big trout) and I watched as a 2 foot brown came out from under a log and swiped at the little 8 incher I had on the end of my line. Dang I need to get out. Come on weather, behave next week!
Rockport has been good to me in the past. I remember one summer evening fishing leech patterns off the dam I caught over 100 smallmouth and perch. I was using a two fly rig and many times I caught two at once. Those perch are little pigs, they definitely eat their own, though I guess bass, musky and even trout will do it too. I still remember fishing Hobble Creek, (which is certainly not know for big trout) and I watched as a 2 foot brown came out from under a log and swiped at the little 8 incher I had on the end of my line. Dang I need to get out. Come on weather, behave next week!