02-19-2010, 05:43 AM
I have to agree w/ Belasko. For me I only fish for food and I use whatever method produces the most fish. Growing up in northern ID it was all fly fishing cuz that's what caught the fish, be it trout or crappie. When I moved to southern ID I started using a spinning outfit more because that is what filled the bucket. Living in AK I started using the fly pole more because it was a little more or a challenge and regardless of what method you used you caught fish. I even started ff for Sea Bass and Halibut. So for me I like to use any method that works and I like to buy fishing equipment. Last time I counted I had like 45 different poles setups. That was about 3 years ago and I'm sure I've added another dozen or so to the collection. What can I say I'm an addict! [:/]