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a sore "Weber Arm" and a first!
made it to taggarts at 0712 and started fishing right away. new something was different about today because my first fish was a whitey, then i dont know how mnay browns. all the same size, between 12 and 14 inches. but i had a first today. right below where i was fishing i found a 4 foot section of slack water i cast into and BAM my very first ever tiger trout! after releasing him i cast back into that hole and then BAM again, my big boy of the day. this went on for a few hours then a ton of people started showing up. lunkerhunter2 and i went down river i cant even tell you how many whitteys we caught. there was a BWO hatch going on and LH2 caught a few whitties off the top and another dandy brown on the top.... me not so much, so i went back to nymphing like usual, man i need some top water help. anywho flies of the day for me were a 20 red copper john, and a 20 silver copper john'ish thingy i tie.

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a sore "Weber Arm" and a first! - by kochanut - 02-20-2010, 11:23 PM

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