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Action required to stop moves to ban float tubes on Irish Midlands lakes
[quote macfly55]Norm...

will emails coming from outside or Ireland do any good ??

MacFly [cool][/quote]

Given the amount of angling tourism, and angling related accommodation on those particular lakes, I think it should have a noticeable effect.

Sheelin would compare with Henry's or Pyramid but with wild browns only. There are only a few lakes like those worldwide.
Ennell is a break you heart lake where wild browns average 3lbs+, but it's difficult to break your duck because they have so much natural feed available.
Owel is a clear water spring fed gem of a lake wild and stocked browns and stocked rainbows.

They are the keynote loughs affected by this rule change. All are large, 1 mile x 2-4 miles in size, and the territory of 18' boats. Tubing them is advanced stuff and for days when the conditions are pleasant. But in such conditions they are magic places to fish.

If this decision is extended beyond what I hear so far it would be used to ban tubing on Ree, Allen and Derg. All of them far too big for tubing, but with beautiful bays a mile wide x 1/2 mile across which sections of them are perfect tubing territory.

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Re: [macfly55] Action required to stop moves to ban float tubes on Irish Midlands lakes - by IrishFloatTube - 02-23-2010, 08:27 PM

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