02-23-2010, 08:55 PM
one thing that i did not make clear is that the joints in my design are welded , if you try to put this stuff together with the available electrical fittings (90 s or 45 s) it will fall apart . look at any camping chair, it is made of 1/2 of 3/4 tubing as well as stadium chairs and canoe chairs conduit is basically the same thing it is just galvanized. i have been floating around for years on an 8 foot x 5 foot version of the small boat i am building and it is made entirely of 1/2 and 3/4 conduit All welded . as for the weight if you figure the weight of all the PVC joints and the the PVC pipe it's self i would almost guarantee the conduit version will be stronger and close to the same weight . aluminum probably would be the best route to go but it is way more expensive harder to get and much harder to weld. when you consider that 10 feet of 1/2 inch conduit is 1.49 it is hard to beat. i am not trying to sell anyone on conduit i am just offering a different soluiton to a problem.