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conflict on the Boise River
i think everyone has had there runnins. i posted one from my trip in stanley last year about a the area my family has collected clams for over 40 years. and someone had bought and posted the land but had not posted the f&g acess point. apparently they have to allow access along the salmon but not to the tributary we were on. the guy was a rather hard &#S about it until we showed him were we had gone and the sherrif explain that we had gone in at a perfictly legal spot.
I had a run in below the damn at palaSades with a couple of guys who were stoned, drunk or both. they were running up and down the river across everyones lines with every fish they had. finaly the guy i was with asked him "rocks or river" the guy asked what do you mean. my friend replied "next time you come by me. your ass is going into the the rocks or into the river." the guy was so flustered and suprised he didnt know what to say but luckly he mellowed out. didnt hurt that we had a police officer with us. sometimes you just never know what ppl are thinking when they are messed up like that.

i read a post last spring about a guy talking to some kids who were trying to snagg steelhead and just explained what they were doing is ilegal and unsportsmanslike. the kids seemed to be very undeerstanding and allowed him to show them how to fish correctly and from what it sounded like enjoyed themselves. it just goes to show sometimes taking the extra time to see what there doing or try to explain goes along way.
now i can imagine that flyfisherman probly thought you were doing something ilegal and probly still does. but if he had just taken the time to ask and give you the opertunity to explain it may have saved both of you alot of hostile feelings

Messages In This Thread
conflict on the Boise River - by basskikker - 02-26-2010, 03:32 AM
Re: [basskikker] conflict on the Boise River - by jigs - 02-26-2010, 05:11 AM

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