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Silver Lake Flat Fishing
There are three lakes above Tibble Fork. The one you can drive to is Silver Lake Flat although called Silver lake by many. There is a gate at the start of the dirt road down by the campgrounds that is closed each year during the winter and they don't open it until Memorial day some years. There is a trail that starts by the bathrooms at Silver lake flat that will take you up to Silver lake itself. No roads to this lake but a great hike and beautiful views. I am told there is another lake even farther up then Silver lake but I have never hiked that far up.

Messages In This Thread
Silver Lake Flat Fishing - by dwayneb - 03-04-2010, 02:29 PM
Re: [flygoddess] Silver Lake Flat Fishing - by tlspyder13 - 03-05-2010, 06:13 PM

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