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Ugly Stik BWC 1100 12ft ???
Ugly Stick is something that I do not understand.

For lovers of Ugly Stick...What feature do you enjoy? What size of fish you do target? What other rods have you used?

In Japan Ugly Stick is expensive because it is American companies product. After read so many people in this message boards love it, they say over and over "UGLY STIK!!!", I ordered one from mainland Japan mail order company to see why do many love this rod.

I am very Sad to review this rod the worst rod I have used. It feels to me like fishing blind. This rod gives me no feeling of bite or structure or type of hit or lure drag or motion. It is very very soft with a very slow and soft taper design this makes not cast long distance well, this is also the most heavy rod I have ever used. I can cast longer with 7ft Daiwa Techmaster rod. I feel this was a terrible purchase for me.

I have curiosity if other people do not like this rod.

Messages In This Thread
Ugly Stik BWC 1100 12ft ??? - by myu - 07-25-2003, 08:19 AM

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