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So whos going steelheading this weekend?
Hey Weekend Warrior,
This is off subject but how do you like that Shimano Curado reel? Have you had it long or used it much? As someone that uses a flyrod 95% percent of the time I agree Utah has too many fly rod snobs. Come on it's all just fishing and don't kid yourself getting the basics down in fly fishing to catch fish can be mastered by most 5 y.o. Besides while a fly rod is great for many situations there many where it's not nearly as effective. Anyway I'm currently considering getting a baitcasting rod and reel. Only have spinning outfits besides the fly stuff now. Was thinking about a Curado Fish Eagle II combo already. Just saw today Cabelas Club has it for $200.

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Re: [Weekend_Warrior] So whos going steelheading this weekend? - by riverdog - 03-10-2010, 03:28 PM

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